Sunday, September 11, 2011

Really? This Is The Best You Got?

Republican Debate Bores Audience Woman

This is what passes for news, apparently.

Yeah, I know, the link goes to a Jay Leno segment. Jay Leno, naturally, being a talk show host/comedian, it's expected to have a humorous angle to it - yet it's not presented as such. This is one of the "headlining" stories on the Comcast website - obviously someone thought it was important enough to showcase. Or it fit an agenda, of course...

Look for a lot more of such "news" items in the next 14 months...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

Fit the agenda is right... sigh...

Anonymous said...

I'm quite convinced that Brian Williams is a robot. He is far too predictable to be a real human. The Stepford commentators perhaps?

BornLib said...

Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) was seen reading a newspaper during Obama's jobs speech before Congress. You'd think that would get more play.