I figured I'd offer up something different from the previous two weeks pictures. Since I've featured rifles recently, I'd show a firearm that's about as far from a rifle as possible:

This is a North American Arms NAA mini-revolver in .22LR. It's a single action, five shot revolver chambered in the ubiquitous .22LR. Even in this small caliber, it's a handful - that picture is about actual size (and if your monitor has low resolution, possibly LARGER).
I think I've only shot it once. I intend to remedy that the next time I get to the range...
Zed: Kay, give the kid a weapon.
[Kay opens a chest filled with intergalactic guns. He picks up a large rifle for himself]
Kay: Series 4 De-atomizer.
Jay: That's what I'm talkin' about.
Kay: [Picks up a very tiny gun and gives it to Jay] Noisy Cricket.
Jay: Hey, Kay, come on man you get a Series 4 De-atomizer and I get a little midget cricket?
-- Men in Black, 1997
I gotta get me one of those. With the non-MA-compliant* belt buckle, of course, now that I'm in Free America.
Do they make those buckles wide enough for a kilt belt?
*practically speaking
An absolute must for all college professors.
Nah, for the busy college professor I'd recommend something in a .357 Magnum.
Just to be on the safe side...
How accurate is it beyond 4 feet?
Interestingly enough, more accurate (in my hands) than my Kel-Tec P3AT.
I've only shot either at 21', and I got more in the black with the NAA .22 than the Kel-Tec.
Obviously the answer is more range time... :)
Interesting to see again.
If you remember, this piece was what sparked our first conversation. I had mentioned how mine has the first 2 chambers stoked w/CCI shotshells, & the remainder w/Stingers. A nose gun for sure, but those shotshells are a GREAT deterrent to ornery bastarges at "across the truck cab" distances...
Next time, brin' her up- we can have a 1/2" bbl shootout competition ;-)
Y'know, I was just thinking that it was time to make a pilgrimage out to "Area 12" in Free America...
I could bring the NAA along for a little testing. 'Course, we'll have to move the bench up a ways. Can't see this hitting anything 'cept ground at 50 yards... ;)
I shot one of those in 22 mag. It was interesting and a little hard to hang on to.
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