Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Brain Dump...

Random thoughts for a dreary Wednesday...
  • Okay, secret shame admission time. I loooove Sirius 23, "Hair Nation". I love listening to Whitesnake, Motley Crüe, Poison, etc. Love it. Yeah, it takes me back to, well, when I had hair...
  • Was there some sort of "stupid bomb" dropped on the Northeast this morning? The morning commute seemed unusually dumb for a non-holiday, non-snowstorm day. What's up with people going 20 MPH down a 35 MPH street? And would it KILL them to actually move to the side of the road where they're turning??? If one more idiot plants his right wheels on the fucking grass to make a left fucking turn I'm gonna have to mount a flamethrower in the bed of the truck...
  • Speaking of the truck, I have to revert to Tim Allen from "Home Improvement" for a second: R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!!! Brought the 26' trailer home from the RV store yesterday afternoon. That Hemi is just plain magic. Pulled all 6,000 pounds of trailer like it wasn't even there. The guys who hooked up the load-leveling hitch were debating whether it was even needed, the truck handled it so well...
  • Only 9 days until the new camper takes its maiden voyage. I can't tell who's more excited: the kids, or me... :)

1 comment:

Bruce said...

I think today was National "Run the Red" Day.

Either that or "Sniff Glue n' Drive" Day.

I'm not sure which one, exactly. I missed the memo.