Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hypocritical Motherfucker...

Alternate title: More Laws For Thee, But Not For Me...

This makes my blood boil: Anti-Cell Phone Senator Crashes Car During Call

California State Sen. Carole Migden bounced her state-issued SUV off the concrete median on Interstate 80 and nearly ran other motorists off the freeway before slamming into the back of another vehicle last week, the California Highway Patrol and witnesses said Tuesday.

What's so infuriating? Well, first, there's this little bit of imperial bile:

"She kept saying, 'You can't talk to me like that, I'm a state senator,"' he said. "She was kind of wobbly. She didn't seem alert. She was not acting normally."

Fuck you, you self-important douchebag. State Senators rank well below fluff girls and only slightly higher than flashers.

Had it been my kid injured by this self-important windbag, she'd have sustained "delayed" injuries in the crash...

And there's also this:

Last year, Migden voted for a law that takes effect in July 2008 requiring drivers to use a headset or other hands-free device when talking on a cell phone while driving.An email to Migden's office asking whether she planned to comply sooner was not immediately answered.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer.

What a fucking hypocritical pussbag. One set of rules for the elite, another (more restrictive) set for the hoi polloi. Gah.


Rustmeister said...

Not only hypocritical, but from the John Kerry "Don't you know who I am" school of elitism.

Jay G said...

That or Patrick "Patches" Kennedy claiming to be on his way to a vote at 3 AM...

Ride Fast said...

She was speeding and weaving in and out of lanes to get around all the peasants, in her state paid for SUV.

TOTWTYTR said...

Her "state issued" SUV? An SUV? STATE ISSUED?

I'm sure she's all for Kyoto and taxing the shit out of the oil companies too.

How does a state senator rate a state car? Even here they only get special "Don't ticket me if you don't want to be driving Yugos next year" plates.



Jay G said...


Even better, it's a HYBRID SUV, so not only did it cost ~ $15K MORE than a comparable gas version for marginally better fuel economy, but when she cracked it up, all the chemicals from the batteries leaked out into the watershed...