Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Very Face of Evil

Words fail me.

Arrest Made in Internet Child Abuse Case

KENNEWICK, Wash. - A 13-month global manhunt for a man accused of
raping his daughter and posting video of the attack on the Internet has ended
with his arrest in Hong Kong after a struggle that reportedly injured four
Chinese police officers.

There's a picture of this monster at the link. Personally, I feel that this sub-human piece of shit should only be viewed through a high-powered rifle scope, preferably one sitting atop of a Barrett Light 50.

Then just relax and squeeeeeze the trigger ever so gently.

Of course, there's a significant therapeutic value to a good chunk of Louisville ash, twenty minutes in a locked room, and a central floor drain.

Just sayin', is all.


Rustmeister said...

Split the difference - have him gut shot with a .38. In a room with a floor drain.

BobG said...

I can't think of a lower form of life, offhand. He makes tapeworms and body lice look good.

Ride Fast said...

Geez, Jay, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel.

(not that there aren't five people on my mind I want to tape to the waste of carbon before you start in)

Jay G said...

Yeah, I've got to stop keeping everything in, eh?

What just absolutely FLOORS me is that my suggestion as to what to do with this oxygen thief is taken directly from my response should, G-d forbid, anyone ever attack my daughter in such a manner.

And he did it to his own flesh and blood. {shudder} I'm sorry. That's just too fucking evil to live. Put him down, now.

If there's any sort of justice in this world, he'll get a shiv in the back inside of 20 minutes on the inside...

BobG said...

"If there's any sort of justice in this world, he'll get a shiv in the back inside of 20 minutes on the inside..."

Actually, I rather hope he gets a long sentence in a cell with a big "friendly" guy who gets Viagra smuggled in for his personal use...

Bruce said...

I'd kick in a few bucks to the Viagra For Bubba Campaign.