Monday, May 14, 2007

When the Whip Comes Down...

Dunno why, but that song title just popped into my head.

Actually, I do know why. I just got a very angry voice mail message from Bruce. Seems a car dealer in the Volksrepublik of MA (big surprise there) just played the tried-and-true "bait and switch" ploy on a truck Bruce was looking at. That corrupt bastard has absolutely no idea what kind of shitstorm he just started.

I'm guessing Bruce will have particulars up soon, so check with him later and get the scoop on the dumb SOB that's about to find himself under some pretty bright lights...

I'd loooove to be a fly on the wall at the Attorney General's office when Bruce's letter comes in... Hoo boy...

Standing by to receive orders...

That is all.

UPDATE: Part 1 is up. Bruce sets up the background information.

UPDATE 2: Part 2 is now up. Bruce details the shabby treatment. We can only hope that part 3 details the exquisite revenge...


Anonymous said...

So thats why he was so angry. After reading his post about the Yankees, I coudn't figure out if he sat down to the keyboard after too many beers or just quit taking his lithuim.


Bruce said...

Part 1 is up. I gotta go to bed.

Bruce said...

...and there's your Part 2.