Thursday, June 28, 2007


Was idly checking my stats (ed: Yeah, right.) and noticed that I just got my 10,000th hit:

MAroonedBy Location > Visit DetailVisit 10,000

(State of Kansas - Division of Systems and Communic)

10,000 hits. Now, I know. Other guys get that in a week. It's taken me four months. But I am honored (and humbled) that so many people have come here to watch me fling poo at the walls read my barely articulate scribblings ogle the gun pics see what I have to say.

G-d willin', I'll be here for another 10,000 hits. Or more.

Thank you all for reading.

That is all.


The Conservative UAW Guy said...


BobG said...

"10,000 hits. Now, I know. Other guys get that in a week."

Hell, I don't get that many in a year.

RW said...

Two things to consider:

1. According to my host stats (the place that I get from) sitemeter underreported my actual hit count by around 50%, consistently. Dunno why, it just did....always. I kept mine hidden (for no reason whatsoever) but Sitemeter said TiTA got in the mid 500s on a consistent basis while my provider showed 1,100 to 1,200 consistently and had the info for each hit, too, so I could see if it was double-counting some wasn't, Sitemeter was just missing some. No idea why or how.

2. In case you want to do this: Adding the sitemeter code to your comments code will give you a more accurate account of the total number of hits you're getting. They're not going to be unique visitors, but you'll get a better idea of how many total hits you're getting. I know that when I'm embroiled in a huge argument with someone over a few days I go back in my history logs & just click on the link of the comments page instead of going back to the site & scrolling down to find the old post and then scrolling down that page to find recent comments. For this instance, you'd get two hits from me and one unique hit since I clicked on your page & then the comments of this entry. Just an FYI.