Something a little different today - a proto-"assault weapon".

This is an M1 carbine manufactured by Underwood, with a rare telescoping stock (as opposed to the paratrooper model folding stock or the standard stock). It's got all the makings of an eeeeevil "assault weapon" - removable magazine with capacities up to 40 rounds; fires an intermediate cartridge; folding stock; bayonet; oh yeah, this baby's got it all. So evil it's banned in NJ...
The "waiting for September" part, for those not in the know, is that Underwood M1 carbines will be going on sale from CMP in late September. I intend to buy at least one. Possibly two.
That is all.
M1 goodness, get 'em while you can folks, they're banned by name in HR1022.
My Inland arrived from CMP today.
I have always wanted one.
The CMP has some carbines they will be selling soon:
Auto-Ordenance still makes the carbine in Worcester, MA.
Yes, the c#$ksu*king, #$&*!@ politicans in NJ have banned the carbine - even though I can walk into any gunshop in the state and buy an AR-10 on the spot with my FID. I am tempted to try ordering one from the CMP and see if they will deliver it.
Just don't buy my Garand . . .
Move to Tennessee, we got guns here that make that thing look like a cap pistol. also have plnty of places to shoot them, without government interference. Like my back yard!
Jay, as far as I know, ALL M1 Carbines are banned in NJ... my bro is jealous of me because I can own one and he can't.
And as far as I'm concerned, the fact that I'd become an instant felon is reason enough for me to never go "home" again.
That one is banned in CA while the regular ones are not - go figure.
Underwood made some of the best/better barrels and my NPM has an Underwood barrel.
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