Thursday, June 14, 2007

Last Day of School

Well, yesterday's post focused on my daughter's special day. Today's about my son.

Today is, as the header suggests, his last day of school. His last day of kindergarten. The last day of half-day-only school. In 2.5 scant months he'll be getting back on the big yellow bus, only for the entire day. He won't be the shy little kindergartener I put on the bus this past August; he'll be a big-shot man-of-the-world first grader.

I'm gonna have to make two lunches everyday instead of just one... And that's the EASIEST change. There will be homework to check nightly. Bedtime will be more rigidly enforced. Weekends will become even more precious and jam-packed with activities, as we'll no longer have the afternoons during the week to get stuff done.

And yes, part of me is worried about entrusting him to public schools. Part of me wishes I could take the time to properly home-school; barring that I'd rather send him to private school. We're in a better place than some/most, in that our school district is pretty well-rated. In fact, it's part of the reason we're facing such incredible growth - they keep filling up the subdivisions with new families that want their kids to go to a good school...

Why didn't anyone tell me how quickly they grow up?

Why didn't anyone tell me that the worrying never stops, it just changes focus?

Why didn't anyone tell me how schizophrenic being a parent is, always torn between wanting to shove your kids out the door and wanting to bar them in forever to keep them safe?

(Rhetorical questions here; I know the answer, and it's because had someone told me, I either wouldn't have believed them any way or I never would have had kids. With the former, what's the diff., and with the latter, I can't imagine life without them...)

Enjoy the summer, pal. You've got one more after this one before I put you to work taking care of the lawn... Muwhahahahahahahaha...


NotClauswitz said...

Good luck man, just wait until you teach 'em to ride, and the kids enter some harescramble race!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Show up at his cafeteria to have lunch with him. Bring some McDonalds.
I also enjoyed helping out at a few art classes. My first graders will soon be juniors and seniors in high school. It does go by fast.

Anonymous said...

Now make the decision to take care of yourself. Screw those insane drivers on the way to work, they are not going to change. The only one who you can change is yourself, take a little extra time to get to work and let those assholes kill themselves. We want you around for the long haul and the kids need you around for things like graduation and weddings.

Take care, Mike

Jay G said...


I'm still trying to get him to understand the concept of PEDALING with only two wheels.

Believe me, no one wants to see him on a Honda Cub more than me - it means a Kawasaki KLR650 is in my future... :)


That's a great idea; but I'll have to check with the school first - they've got lots of insane rules since I was a kid about what can and can't be brought into school.


I rant here as part of my therapy. I purge the bad thoughts through my writing so it doesn't stick around my soul.

Plus I just like to curse.
