Monday, August 27, 2007

MArooned Movie Minute...

Time for another movie review. Today's movie is "The Simpsons Movie", which I saw yesterday afternoon with my kids.

Now, a little background first. "The Simpsons" is my favorite television show by a wide margin. For a long time, I not only watched and taped the original episodes Sunday nights at 8, but also watched the syndicated shows weeknights at 7/7:30 whenever possible. This tapered off as my kids started to understand/comprehend/regurgitate, and it dovetailed with a significant decrease in show quality as well, IMHO.

I've also been collecting the Seasons on DVD as they are released, and I realized that there was little sense in sitting through an additional 8 minutes of commercials when I was going to buy the DVD anyways.

Which is why, even though "The Simpsons Movie" was released to theaters on July 27th, I just saw it yesterday.

Now, for the movie. I liked it. But then again, it would have been hard for me not to like it. I had read reviews that stated it was like a really long episode, and I have to agree with that assessment. There was the typical main story, focusing on Homer, and a "B" story focusing on one of the other Simpsons. Homer, as usual, is a drooling idiot who hurts everyone around him due to his carelessness/callousness and the rest of the characters react to him accordingly.

It's a standard episode of "The Simpsons" made extra-long. And, really, that's all there is to it. If you're a fan of "The Simpsons", you'll like the movie; if not, don't bother. There seemed to be an attempted to show (literally, just to show) every single character ever introduced on the show, which was cute and unexpected.

That is all...

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