Today's Gun Pic reaches waaaaay into the back of the safe for an old, albeit tired, favorite:

This is a Hi-Standard HD-Military .22LR semi-automatic pistol. 6" bull barrel. Raking grip angle. One of the most accurate guns I've ever shot. Also the most finicky and hardest to keep running. Which explains why it's in the back of the safe...
That is all...
I have the same gun with a 4" barrel and checkered ivory grips.
It drives tacks. Never had any feed problems with it, though.
Y'know, we ought to do an inventory comparison, & you should bring all you "matches".
A shoot off w/identical guns, right down to the teeny NAA!
Yeah, I've got the 4" one too, & mine is also in the BOTS.
Mine's just old and tired. I inherited it in the great gun migration after my grandfather passed away, and it spent most of its life in a gun cabinet in Grampy's basement...
At some point I'm going to tear it down and replace all the springs and see what that does. However, that's gonna happen after we finish the "gun room" in the attic where my reloading stuff will be going. I'm figuring an anticipated start date of 2058... ;)
Hell, you know I'm in for shootin'...
Most old Hi-Standards benefit from a spring replacement. Wolff sells a complete set for the H-S that's pretty cheap and well worth it. Also, they will still be picky on ammo even with the new springs, these aren't Ruger Mk IIs. They don't like high velocity ammo either, which rules out most of what you find at most shops.
After shooting a lot of different types in my H-S Victor, I settled on CCI Standard Velocity as the most reliable and accurate. You'll find that it is a very popular round among bullseye shooters for those very reasons. I'd recommend trying it in your H-D Military, I bet it will like it.
I'm in my 60's and still have the 6" H-S my Dad started me on when I was 6 years old. It still drives tacks. Except for a few "failure to fire" when it gets really dirty, it is happy with whatever cheap ammo I use. It is like an old friend.
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