Friday, September 7, 2007

"New" Bin Laden Tape...

How come ol' Osama's beard looks like it has a shine to it? All the pictures they've shown us up to today show it as a salt-and-pepper affair, and now it's jet-black.

Now, I'm not saying it's fake or anything [ed.: Yes, he is] but doesn't it strike anyone as just a tad suspicious that ol' Ossie shows up sportin' a fresh new look and talking about global warming?

Anyone spotted Donna Brazile lately?

1 comment:

Firehand said...

I still say, until I see a 'new' Osama video that's at least as sharp & clear as what you can shoot in the living room, I'm going to consider him as assuming ambient temperature(the pieces of him, anyway) at Tora Bora.