Wednesday, September 19, 2007


While bringing some kid-related stuff up to the attic, I came across a stack of my "fat clothes" that I'd put in the attic to eventually make their way to Salvi.

Here's an "after" shot of me now wearing the pants I wore less than 2 years ago:

That's a size 32 waist in size 44 pants. That's when I weighed 270+. Got weighed at my doctor's appointment today: 178. Nearly 100 pounds lost. Damn, I was a fatass...


Weer'd Beard said...

Any thoughts on getting a desert eagle IWB holster to take up that extra slack : ]

You're leading a great example for your kids, and for all of us!

Anonymous said...

Have pity on me. I have taken off 57 pounds and I still ain't even where you were when you started!

Damn. I'm still a fatass ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That is very impressive!!! Congratulations.

Buck - if you've lost 57 pounds - that's awesome! Keep at it. No matter where you were when you started - you know your goal - just keep shooting for it!

knitalot3 said...

You are looking GREAT!

Jay G said...


In those pants I could CCW a freakin' howitzer...

Believe me, my kids were the #1 (and #2) reason for doing this. I wanted to set a better example for them than a fatassed dad who sat around and popped blood pressure meds rather than get his sorry ass in shape...


D'oh! Sorry, man, no offense intended...

The interesting thing is that I still see myself as a fatass in the mirror...


Yeah, I was pretty shocked when I put the pants on. The scariest thing is that these pants, at one point in time, were tight...


Thanks! Although I'll advise you to get your prescription checked if you think that ugly mug is "great"... ;)

Anonymous said...

No offense taken man. Ever.

But tell me. Is that a live toe trying to peak out of your sock?

If so you are wearing my kind of socks ;-)

BobG said...

Good show; I'm still working on it...

Kevin said...

What's the inseam length? I could use another pair of pants.

(And yes, I am a fatass!)

RW said...

Jay, you're lookin' great (in the biblical sense, of course). Can't believe that you're the same person who was in that first pic you posted years back on my site. Unbelievable.

Jay G said...


Thanks. I didn't mean for my "fatass" comment to be directed at anyone other than myself...

That's actually the "Hanes" script on the toe. The dirty sole, though, is all me.

Thanks bobg!

It's been tough, and the maintenance part that I'm in now is just as hard - striking a balance between "off the diet" and "not gorging myself back up to my old weight" is fraught with peril... ;)


Once again, my mea culpa to buck extends...

And the inseam is 30". 44/30 - if I were 10 inches taller I'd have been a western cartridge... ;)


Thanks man. Some days even *I* can't believe it.

The hardest thing for me is looking in the mirror and NOT seeing the same chubby face I've had for the past 36 years... Mentally I still see the fat kid who got picked on in school...

Anonymous said...

"Mentally I still see the fat kid who got picked on in school..."

Yeah, having friends who have lost large amounts of weight. It's really a mind bender! You've lived with it one way for so long, it's hard to believe you could actually be at an excellent optimal weight and not "overdo" it.

It looks like (in the picture) you've hit an excellent size for you. Now, work on the mental part of believing it. *grin*

And may I just say... damn... 30 inch inseam - I wish! It would be soooo much easier for me to buy clothes. Sadly I have a 34 inch inseam. LOL.

Mr Weebles said...

What's that 'stache weigh in at?

Pound? Pound and a half?

Jay G said...

Hey, I gotta prove I can grow hair somewhere, right?

I mean, besides my back, that is...