Friday, October 12, 2007

I Don't Wanna Grow Up...


As if my life wasn't crazy enough, this coming weekend is a double-whammy. On Saturday we've got a HUUUGE Cub Scout event coupled with a pack overnight, for which I am responsible for coordinating the edibles. On Sunday, we're all going into Boston to participate in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk with my wife's family (as her mom is now a 12+ year survivor).

And, to top it all off, my son is having a personal crisis. He's all of six. He's having trouble with the concept that your friends can have friends other than you - he thinks that if his friend plays with someone else at recess, that friend is no longer his friend. Both Mrs. G. and I have tried to allay his fears, but to little avail. It's heartbreaking to see such a young man grappling with weighty concepts as personal space and clingy-ness. But it's all part of growing up.

And speaking thereof... Just when the hell did I become the grown-up? I'm standing there, listening to my son pour his heart out to me, and I realize that he's doing this because he needs my guidance. Whoa... That's pretty heavy stuff right there. I am totally being the grown-up here.

I mean, doing the full time office gig is bad enough. Making the car payments, getting the mortgage off on time, all that; it's all been part of the process.

But when you realize that this little person is looking to you as a role model, well... Man... That just really floors me sometimes. I hope I'm up to the task.

And then I read the newspapers (well, okay, I skim the news websites) and see all the other DNA donors out there and realize that I could be doing a shitload worse. And it makes me feel just a little bit better.

I love my kids more than life itself. I'd do anything for them. Problem is, you've gotta be REALLY careful not to do everything for them.

This being the grown-up sucks. *I* want to be the six year old...


Lindsey said...

I'm with you. My son is almost 3 and hubby and I are grappling with the idea of having another one. It's daunting trying to wrap my mind around being responsible for one, so two is even more mind boggling. However I have found that a trip to Wal Mart is always enough to quell my fears that I'm not a good mom.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Yup. Having kids is what finally makes you a grown up. My little brother is a grown up, he has 2 kids. I am not a grown up, having no children, and I am pushing 40. I do try to affect the facade of adultitude most times, but it's just faking it. It makes me jealous of my brother.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Jay! By the time he's 16, he won't be looking for your guidance anymore. He may ask for it, only to do the opposite! Someone once said:
"I'm really proud of my parents, when I was 16, they were idiots. Now that I'm 30, they are pretty smart. I'm proud how quickly they got smarter!" (or something to that effect)

knitalot3 said...

Um... I hate to tell you... It only gets worse from here.

I have a 19 yr old (God HELP me!)

One day at a time...