Thursday, November 8, 2007

In Case You Hadn't Noticed...

...I've been feeling like dogshit the past few days, hence the paucity of posting.

It's hard to be polite and give a shit about your fellow man when your throat feels like you've been gargling with napalm.

Plus I currently sound like Barry White. But that's a feature, not a bug...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

"Plus I currently sound like Barry White."

Man. You gotta make that work in your favor while you can.

Practice a little bit.

"My darlin' I............can't get enuff of yo luv baby"

knitalot3 said...

Awwww..... Man! That sucks! Feel better soon!

(although, I'd bet the Barry White voice is very sexy on you!)

Jay G said...


Problem is, while the voice might work in my favor, the horking up chunks of lung most definitely does not...

I thought I was supposed to put all this behind me when I quit smoking?


Thanks. I'm feeling a lot better today - amazing what a shot of (neutered) NyQuil and an uninterrupted 7 hours of sleep will do.

(And I do like the deeper voice, but just don't feel sexy when my throat feels like tiny flaming thumbtacks are attacking it...) ;)