Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Time Marches On...

Was just thinking this morning, as I flipped through radio stations trying to avoid Christmas music...

Remember this time of year when you were a kid? Remember the excitement you felt in the few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Remember how it seemed to take FOREVER for those few weeks to pass?

Now... Now it's like, Holy SHIT, Christmas is less than four weeks away...

I miss that excitement.

But I've got kids. It's the next best thing...

1 comment:

RW said...

As the resident "big kid who will never grow up", (I seek out Christmas music & have given up on radio - really, who wants to hear Christina Aguilera attempt to cover Nat King Cole's classic for the 70th time - so I refer to my Ipod for over 400 of my chosen faves) let me say that the Christmas spirit is almost as alive and well in me as it was when I was the ages of my youngsters. Nothing can match that feeling exactly, of course, but beginning with Thanksgiving we have Christmas candles & Christmas music going constantly in Casa de la West and we try to instill the spirit in our kids by constantly filling their minds with stories from our past or viewing the Christmas classics on the tube.

I endure the other 11 months of the year in order to 'live' this one. There is no more adolescent kid than yours truly right now.