Monday, November 19, 2007

WTF, Over?

Fucking people amaze me.

I just went into the Men's room at my company. On the counter in front of one of the sinks is a small pile of human (I presume) hair.

Someone, presumably an adult, decided that it was a good idea to walk into the Men's room and TRIM THEIR FUCKING HAIR. Not only that, but they just left it there on the damn counter rather than sweeping it off and putting it in the barrel that's all of five feet away.

WTF? I mean, we are adults, right? Am I expecting too much of my fellow man to not leave his own body parts just lying around?

That is all...


Anonymous said...

Heh. I could tell you many disgusting stories about, er, stuff found in the loo at my last place of employment. (On the walls, in the showers, at the sink...::shudder::) Was never so glad to see the end of that place. Bunch of pigs couldn't have been nastier. The guy who did maintenance around the place told me it was even worse in the women's room. Makes ya wonder about people these days.

Bruce said...

But was it curly or straight?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's nasty. Please tell me someone wasn't manscaping on company time.

knitalot3 said...

That's just YUCKY!!!

Anonymous said...

1) Used to work at IBM in VT. There was quite the collection of boogers all over the stall walls in the bathrooms. EWWWW!!!

2) Company I work for now has people that can't seem to wash their hands and keep the water in the sink. I tested one of the sinks to see if it was a leak - nope. I've seen hair and food remains from someone washing their bowl out but not cleaning up afterwards. I'm a pig at home but not at work or other places...

Joe R>

breda said...

yeesh. If I was grossed out by the post, I should have thought to avoid the comments. Gross.

Anonymous said...

These folks are all waiting for/expectin' their momma o show up and clean up their s**t; just like she always did when they little slobs.

BobG said...

A friend of mine had a good description of those type of people:
"The sort of people who shit in the living room to keep the flies out of the kitchen."

Anonymous said...

Once again - I'm so glad I work at home... good grief!