Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Ending...

My son got on the school bus this morning. No fuss. Didn't phase him in the least.

Thank heavens for small favors...

That is all.


Rustmeister said...

Good deal

RW said...

Great news.

Incidentally, my late mother was a school bus driver and I was rather shocked at the number of times those things broke down & needed repair. Conversely, my dad is an over-the-road truck driver (those guys make money hand over fist, folks.....if you have a kid who did 'okay but not great' in school & who has no ambitions of going to college, get 'em a CDL. Seriously, they're raking in the cash, especially those who own their own trucks) and he drives hundreds of thousands of miles each year and it appears to me that he's had a lot fewer problems, albeit much more expensive issues when they DO arrive.

Everything mechanical breaks down and belts are always going to break but those buses sit for three months a year, isn't that the opportune time for PM and a complete tune-up?

BobG said...

Kids bounce back from shit quite easily. On the other hand, I know some adults that would have gone catatonic and needed to see a shrink for a month before they could get on another bus.

Anonymous said...

phase => faze

[end: spelling police]