Monday, January 7, 2008

And While I'm Asking Questions...

Can someone explain to me how ANY of the top three Democratic candidates for President are any more "qualified" to run for President than George Bush was in 2000?

I mean, we were told, repeatedly, that Bush was the least qualified person to ever run for office, based on him being the two-term governor of the third-largest state, business owner, and Harvard MBA grad.

And yet, Hillary! is the most qualified of the Dems, with a smidge over one whole Senate term under her belt. After that... Uh... First Lady? Should Laura Bush be running, then?

John Edwards? Trial lawyer and one full Senate term that he couldn't have won re-election to had he chosen to run again.

Barack Obama? IL State Senate and TWO YEARS in the US Senate. (Side note: Obama's less than 10 years older than me. I've gotta get my shit in gear...)

The BEST they have to offer is one full Senate term and re-elected to a second. And yet no one has pointed this out. Although I'm certain if Romney gets the nomination (G-d forbid), we'll be treated to a litany of reasons why he doesn't have the experience to be President.

And don't even get me started about the double standard shown vis a vis military service, especially if McCain gets the GOP nod (once again, G-d forbid)...


breda said...

I'd vote for Laura.

She's a librarian. ;)

RW said...

Meh, legally I think the only qualifications are being 35 & a natural citizen, so the rest is simply semantics. Surely, a governor - any governor - has an edge IMO because of their executive experience, but that's just my spin. At least Obama has SOME state experience, while Hillary is nothing but a phonyfraudfake riding her hubbie's name & the party apparatus. Personally, I think Richardson has the best 'qualifications' from the D's, but that's my biased opinon. On the other side, all of them have enough experience to do the job, it's just that I don't know if I want any of them DOING the job. Eh, Fred looks good right now, but my mind changes weekly.

Back on topic, those folks saying that Bush didn't have enough experience were the same people who were okay with Clinton bombing Iraq, Clinton having enough experience being elected, Clinton avoiding the draft (he was actually drafted, btw), Robert Byrd being the 'conscience of the senate' instead of Trent Lott, and so on. IOW, many of them would donate a critical organ in exchange for their party's nominee getting elected. To which I step outside of my 'love my fellow man' mode and quote a blogospheric king and simply say in their direction (instead of contract security workers): screw them

I'm soooooooo sick of both major parties right now.


I'm with you in loathing McCain, but a McCain/Petraus ticket could wipe the floor nationally with any Dem ticket, IMO.

Jay G said...

"I'm soooooooo sick of both major parties right now."

Can I add +1,000,000?!?!?!

Editor said...

very good points. think i'll just hide in the woods for 4 years

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I ain't much into "qualifications" myself.

I think Obama is going to be a hard train to slow down.

I think he will keep the troops in Iraq and will spend like a drunken sailer.

You'll never know the Republicans have left.

Kevin said...

Experience is highly overrated. Just look at our own K.C. Deval.