Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Gun Pr0n #40

To appease our resident photography critic, I've tried to improve my admittedly amateur gun photography. Here's a new picture of a gun I've featured before, a Smith & Wesson Model 10 .38 special:

Certainly nowhere near as good as the master, but a darn sight better than some of my previous pictures. I particularly like how the patina got picked up in this shot, as well as the slight hint of rifling on the stubby barrel.

Next improvement: Background. I need something better than a bath towel... ;)


Countertop said...

Try a leather jacket - I've got a brown one I like - or an old historic map.

Or hang a sheet. Also, you need to right flash, or shades.

Here's a good idea!

Here's another.

Rick Lee said...

Leather jacket is a good idea. Bed sheet is a bad idea. Formica is a good idea. Or slate, or some other flat mineral type material.

Straight flash on camera is a bad idea. Put it next to a window or out in the daylight with overcast sky. If you have a flash that will tilt up, bounce the flash off of a white ceiling.

Anonymous said...

Its a new angle with lots of detail. You're grooving!