Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good People Doing Good Things

Breda took another friend to the range. And there was much rejoicing.

Good on you and Nikki, Breda! The more people we can get shootin' the better. My favorite part was this line:
On our way out of the range, Nikki said that she could see how the focus you need for target shooting could be therapeutic and calming.

That's been my experience as well. Sometimes, after a particularly challenging week, I'll hit the range on Saturday with a bag full 'o' .357 and .44 Magnum goodness. Grab a large Q target, blast away.

'Cause it is impossible to feel stressed when flinging lead downrange at 1300 FPS...

That is all.


doubletrouble said...

You iz correct there lad.

At one time I had particularly fluged in the head boss. To ease my tension at the end of a bad day I’d fill up a few gallon milk jugs w/water & use a magic marker to simulate, well, let’s say his “noticeable” facial features, & have at ‘em with the .44 magnum.

A WORLD of stress relief, I’m here to tell ya…

Jay G said...

Let's just leave it that after this week, I may take the .308 to the range...