Friday, January 25, 2008

Just Push "R"...

...for "Random shit that pops into Jay's head for no apparent reason".

*Apparently, in his state-of-the-state address last night, "Cadillac" Deval Patrick made the comment "I am an impatient man" when referring to the legislature passing some piece of his socialist bullshit legislation.

And all I could think of was Eric Cartman sitting on his big wheel shouting "Respect Mah Authoritay!"

*Listening to the radio this morning on the drive to work, what comes on but Whitesnake's "Slow and Easy". Talk about a blast from the hair-band past... I'd be hard pressed to think of how much beer I consumed listening to the entire "Slide It In" album in college...

*The Pinewood Derby's coming up in two weeks. Our troop has a dedicated run time for "adult" (non-Cub Scout) races. Basically, it gives overzealous dads who would otherwise completely take over their Scout's car a chance to build one of their own and race for bragging rights.

As the Assistant Cub master and Tiger Cub dad, I'm pretty much expected to have an entry (yeah, like it was that hard to convince me...). I'm thinking of recreating either the Batmobile (campy 60s version, natch - that's more amenable to being carved out of a block of wood) or the General Lee...

That is all.


Rustmeister said...

Good idea for the Pinewood derby.

My kid was a Cub Scout, and there have been more than one occasion where I thought "If that kid built that car, I'll kiss his dad's ass"

Still, it's a fun thing.

RW said...

Saw the title & figured this was going to be a post about what to tell yourself when you walk into the booth and realize that your choices are either Romney, McCain, Hillary or Obama.

Anonymous said...

We needed to do that when my oldest was in cubs. Too many dads out there that miss the point of the derby, teaching kids by letting them use tools. They would rather take over the project just so little jr can get a ribbon.

BTW, get as much weight in the rear of the car as you can, that works pretty good.