Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Not A Good Start...

2008 is off to a pretty fuckin' bad start...

Oh, yeah, yesterday was great. 'Course, I didn't leave the house. Shoulda kept it that way...

Start off, my son forgot his backpack, so we missed the bus - went home to get it, and were leaving the driveway only to see the bus leaving the bus stop...

And then, on the way to work, my oversized driver's side towing mirror clashed with another large truck's oversized driver's side towing mirror. There's $365 I could have put to better use...

If this year gets any better I may have to dig a hole in the ground and crawl in...


Teresa said...

Maybe look at it as... it should get better from here.

The school thing - well that happens. Sorry about the mirror though - that sucks pond water.

RW said...

It ain't all bad, buddy. For example, right now on Drudge there's this item: "Expert predicts sex with robots..."

Of course, the immediate response is "...and it's commonly known as 'marriage'".

C'mon, you don't get that kind of comedic setup every day.

knitalot3 said...

It has to get better from here on. Lost a mirror once, mine was used, $150. Damn mailbox! Somebody put it there after I parked, I swear!

Jay G said...


Yeah, I know (on both). It's not the first time "the boy" (say it like Homer) has forgotten his backpack (which, of course, has his lunch in it...). I doubt it will be his last, either.

LMAO, Ricky! Thanks for the laff - right now, it's needed...

It's even worse that I let on, too - the money for the new mirror is coming out of the gun fund!!!



It scared the living bejeezus out of me when it happened. I'm driving down the road, minding my own business, when ***WHAMMO***, my mirror explodes...


I'm not looking forward to facing Mrs. G...

Comrade Misfit said...

Yeah, tell me about it. 2007 ended with a flat tire. 2008 began with $143 for replacing, remounting, etc. a new tire.

I'm going to go crawl in a cave for the next year, I think.

Badpatty said...

Sorry, jefe. Loner and I burned up our bad luck in the bonfire on New Year's Eve. I thought it was gone, but apparently it just blew up to higher latitudes.