Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hump Day...

Dunno why they call it "hump day" when most people get laid on the weekends... *g*
(Well, except for me. My wife doesn't believe in sex after marriage...)

Three days and counting until the first (for me) gun show of 2008. With any kind of luck, I'll get my bonus on Friday and actually have some $$$ to spend. Gun show + extra $$$ = Happy gun nut... ;)

That is all...


breda said... your children were born before you got married? You dog. ;)

(remember to take photos of any gun show loot!)

Anonymous said...

What show are you going to? I've never been to one but have been a proud gun owner for 3 years now. Any info shared would be appreciated!

Jay G said...


Goin' to this show.

Plan is to get there early Sat. am and leave by noon.

Ideally with new shooty goodness...