Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's Always Something...

Okay, with the recent spate of hellfire-and-damnation weather we've been getting (it's been alternating between raining like I should build a large boat and snowing like we're seeing the next Ice Age), we've been checking on the basement pretty diligently to make sure that the sump pump is operating properly.

The good news? The pump appears to be working just fine.

The bad news? Our septic tank alarm is going off. This apparently can mean one of many things, the most likely being:
  1. The tank is full - we last pumped it a year and a half ago, which is juuust about right for it being full.
  2. The pump has died - there's a pump that pushes the waste from the holding tank to the leeching field, and it has an average lifespan of 10 years. The house is 9 years old.
  3. With all the heavy snow and rain, water's getting in the holding tanks and overwhelming the pump.

Obviously, we're hoping that a quick pumping proves #1 to be the issue.

I'm writing all this, of course, so that you'll all know that I am, indeed, full of shit...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Oh man. Well it could be worse. You could be this guy.

SpeakerTweaker said...

Actually, Jay, we're on to you.

You, sir, are NOT full of shit, as you so tactfully claim. No, it is this blogger's assertion that it is your TANK that is full of shit.

You seem to be emptying your own shit storage often enough;)


Anonymous said...

Hopefully, you won't become one of those folks overflowing with shit....

Jay G said...

Heh. Update: The float valve that determines how much shit is in the septic tank apparently broke off and hit the alarm valve (or something like that).

Bottom line: It's fixed, the pump is fine, and the tanks have been cleaned out. So I will no longer be full of shit.

I will not, however, be full of money...

Teresa said...

As our last house necessitated the use of up to 4 (yes that's right FOUR) sump pumps to keep the basement dry, the one thing we looked for in particular was a house without a pump. We actually passed on 2 very nice houses because we didn't like their pump situations.

Well, we lucked out - the house we have now is on top of a hill and it doesn't need a pump - we've never been so happy. LOL.