Monday, April 7, 2008

How's That Expression Go?

...You know, the one about "shake enough trees, a few nuts are bound to fall out"?

Well, last week I shook the tree, and at least one nut fell out...

Specifically, the Texas Gun Nut. Welcome to the 'roll, Mr. Nut.

I also heard from Bill H. from Free in Idaho on my plea.

Thanks for answering the call, guys. Like I said, I run a reciprocal blogroll here, on the idea that if you're crazy kind enough to link my insane ramblings humble musings, the least I can do is not fling poo at you return the favor...

That is all...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jay.
I appreciate the linky goodness.

I'll be dammed if my hit count hasn't shot through the roof since you linked me. That should say something about how much coverage your blog already gets.

Jay G said...

That just floors me. Apparently there's a market for foul-mouthed gun nuts out there. Who knew? :)

I'm glad I could contribute to your hits.