Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pledging Support...

It's about time I did this. It's time for me to come right out and admit it.

I'm supporting Barack Obama for President. He's the only candidate with the experience, presence, and out-and-out jug ears necessary to be President.




...and in case it wasn't 100% apparent, April Fool's!

(Of course, April Fool's Day in a house with a 5- and 7- year old running around means that I've already sat on a Whoopie Cushion 185 times, been zapped by a joy-buzzer 392 times, and been told that there was a school bus/gorilla/washing machine/cheeseburger/bee/etc. on my head several thousand times...)

That is all.


RW said...

Ir you really want to fool people, tell them that the Democratic party is about to nominate a guy who bowled a thirty-seven. Not a woman, but a dude.

Nah, no one would even think of believing that, would they?

Ride Fast said...

Ha! Just checking to see if the Hog people were paying attention.
Everyday with kids is like a circus, isn't it?

Jay G said...

Circus or rodeo, that's even money...

(And I pick it up Saturday. Naturally, it's going to pour. Granted, that's better than last year, when it was 25ºF...)

knitalot3 said...

Okay. You got me. I was sitting here, reading this with my mouth open in shock.

I'm gullible.

Kids keep us young.

Anonymous said...

Nice one! I thought I was going to be sick there for a minute.

Anonymous said...

I'm still stuck on the "Jug ears" bit. Didn't know that was a requirement:)

I can't wait til November...