Thursday, April 17, 2008

WTT: One Misbehaving 7-Year Old


Anyone got a well-mannered, polite, respectful 7 year old boy they want to trade for a rude, surly, disrespectful one?


I'm open for other options. Up to and including simians. Sure, the poo-flinging might increase slightly, but at least the bananas we bought for breakfast won't go to waste...

(Note to DYS: This is called satire. I do not really want to trade my son for a chimpanzee. Besides, the zoo won't return my calls anyways...)

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Ok . . . what did the lad do? Who's hair did he set on fire?

- Brad_in_MA

Andrew said...

I have a surly five-year-old that I can provisionally loan...

Unknown said...

Outright trading might be some folks to commit to. Maybe if you came up with sort of good child timeshare arrangement.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it while you can, in 10 years you'll see this as a golden age.

Trust me from personal experience

Jay G said...


I'm just sick of the steady stream of rude and disrespectful comments that come out of his mouth every time I say something he doesn't like... His latest is "Webkins" - he's addicted to the online games and events there. I've got to carefully monitor how much time he spends on the site, and I've also taken away his "Webkins privileges" as a punishment...

That does not go over well, as you might imagine...


I've already got a sullen five year old, but thanks. This one comes in the "moody female" variety, too...


I've often thought of renting my kids out to childless women who complain about the "biological clocks". Naturally, I would call this service "The Snooze Button"...


I keep reminding myself of that, but it doesn't help much when I'm treated to a five minute dissertation on how stupid/harsh/mean/evil I am for daring to punish him...

BobG said...

If I had gotten mouthy with my dad, he would have just increased punishments until I got a clue and realized it was a no-win situation on my part.

Jay G said...

Had I gotten mouthy with my dad, my diet would have changed to "food that can be consumed via straw".

These days, a swat on the butt can get the cops called on you.

And the kids know it...

Anonymous said...


I handled the calling cops on you gambit quite simply.
I picked up the phone and handed it to him with the words "go ahead, by the time the cops get here, there will be sufficient evidence for them to arrest me"
A bluff, mostly, but a successful bluff.

Keep hanging in there. As much grief my 2 boys are, I wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world; most days that I wouldn't. :)

Anonymous said...

i have a rude, surly, disrespectful 9 year old that i would gladly make a trade for... though i might want to have you throw a gun into the deal to compensate for his increased strength over your 7 year old and the potential uses that would have as a slave labor staple...

TOTWTYTR said...

"Ok . . . what did the lad do? Who's hair did he set on fire?

- Brad_in_MA"

Well, we know who's it wasn't! ;)

Jay, it's all part of the adventure called raising kids. They'll drive you nuts, but sooner or later they'll out grow it. The trick is to survive with your sanity intact.


Anonymous said...

The threat of military school always did wonders for me. Looking back now, I have no earthly idea how I did not wind up there anyway.

Larry said...

My son threatened to call HRS on me, I asked him what he thought would happen. "They will take you away."
"No, they will take YOU away, to get you out of danger. Call them and ask."
He did. I was right. He never called them again.

Mark said...

How about 6 year old soon to be 7 twins boys?