Friday, June 6, 2008

Why I'm Not Voting for Obama, Part II

A fist bump? F'real?
Securing enough support to become the first black American to win a major party's backing for president, the freshman Illinois senator took to the stage here at the Xcel Energy Center on Tuesday night with his wife Michelle by his side. They bumped fists gently in mutual congratulations, and she gave him a thumbs-up, kissed him and stepped aside. Some 17,000 adoring supporters cheered in jubilation as another 15,000 waited outside, according to local fire authorities.

After a gruelling fight for the Democratic nomination, he's doing a fist bump? C'mon...

This isn't a race thing, folks. This is a pathetic middle-aged-guy-still-trying-to-be-hip thing. What's next? A red convertible? Is he going to reveal his Webkinz log-in name? A Facebook page? This is about as authentic as John Kerry asking if he could get a huntin' license...

(And I'll ignore the bit about "adoring supporters". Too cult-of-personality for my liking, thankyewverymuch...)

That is all...


RW said...

17,000 adoring supporters, eh?

I wasn't aware that there were that many members of the press following his campaign. (must be a diverse mixture of both press corps members AND college kids who have yet to pay their first tax dollar but are more than willing to tell you what they're 'owed').

knitalot3 said...

Pretty sad when our only choices are "First Black American" or "First Lady Running for President".

What does that make McCain? The least worst option?

Whatever happened to "candidates", i.e. people running that actually stood for something worth having?

NotClauswitz said...

His adoring supporters make Moonies look rational.