Monday, August 25, 2008


There will be no fireworks at the Dem convention.

Hillary! will not barricade herself in the delegate room with 20 pounds of C4 strapped to her chest screaming "NOMINATE ME OR DIE".

This will not be a repeat of Chicago '68.

While it's certainly nice for the right side of the blogosphere to wax rhapsodic about Democratic disunity, the cold hard facts are these are the people who perfected lockstep...

The convention will be clinically cold, calculating, and timed like the Chinese-hosted Olympics (with about as many machine gun-toting guards). Yes, there will be protestors. No, there will not be riots and open fighting in the street. Predicting such with overzealous glee doesn't help our cause in the least.

Problem is, the GOP is "The Stupid Party" for a reason. The Democrats don't have to fall apart when they can wait for the GOP to fall apart first. While the talk around the right side right now is mainly "Biden? WTF?", we have yet to see McCain's pick. I'm betting McCain's pick is going to make Obama's choice of Biden look positively genius by comparison...

That is all.


GeorgeH said...

I hear Hillary is available.

A McCain/Clinton ticket would certainly generate a lot of buzz, and is no sillier that some of the other suggestions.

TOTWTYTR said...

It won't be McCain/Clinton and it won't be McCain/Lieberman either. It might be McCain/Romney and although like most Massholes I'm not a big fan of the Mittster, he plays better in most of the country than he did here.

The big problem with Romney is that the bible belt considers Mormons to be members of cults.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet on Tom Pawlenty. Although he'd get points from me if he picked Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

I can't get over the fact the stage looks like a set for the MTV music awards.


Mike W. said...

I hope you're wrong on McCain, but I can't say I feel confident that he'll choose someone decent.

If he chooses Romney he's done.

BobG said...

"I can't get over the fact the stage looks like a set for the MTV music awards."

Same maturity,intelligence, and mindset...

DJK said...

I'm pushing for Palin....that'd be his best bet.

Obama's getting all the "because he's black" voters...

McCain should try for the "because she's a woman" voters.