Thursday, September 18, 2008


Tam distills the media coverage of the economic "crisis" to a single pithy sentence:

In business news this morning... ...ZOMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!

And encapsulates my sentiments on the matter to a T. Yes, we've had some bad news. But it's highly suspect to be receiving all economic doom all the time mere weeks before an election. Especially when the news conveniently ignores which of the two candidates had the former CEO of Fannie Mae on his VP search committee...

As a matter of fact, didn't the media jump all over George Bush in 2000 because he was saying less-than-stellar things about the state of the economy? In fact, I believe the term used was "talking down the economy". Of course, less than a year later, the headlines were ablaze with breathless human interest stories of folks whose lives were ruined in the "Bush Recession"...

Nope, nothing to see here, folks... Just more history beginning yesterday.

That is all.


Roy said...

"Just more history beginning yesterday."

You said a mouthful in just that one sentence. Notice how the nattering nabobs will breathlessly report that "xxx" is the WORST since...

And that "since" will be some arbitrary time in the near past.

Jay G said...


I can't take full credit for it - Ann Coulter used "for liberals, history began this morning" quite some time ago.

I, being a more charitable human being, give them a full day...

They've already been doing it with the stock market. "Worst drop since 2001", etc. Gotta make sure it's in Bush's time, not the 550 point drop during the Clinton administration, nosirree...