Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One More Time, Daddy...

Just got an e-mail from my sister-in-law. She was downloading some pictures from her digital camera, and came across a handful from a get-together at my in-laws last month. It was a beautiful day for a ride, so I took the Harley down, and we bribed the boy with promises of a ride home if he behaved (loosely interpreted as "don't kill your sister or otherwise interrupt the grown-ups").

My sister-in-law's the one responsible for getting me hooked on Harley Davidson motorcycles. I'd always been a Red man, preferring the quiet efficiency and reliability of Honda motorcycles to the fragile and outdated V-twins of the orange and black. Until she brought home a 2003 Sportster that she wanted me to break in for her while she got her license... 500 miles later, I was hooked. I had the fever for the flavor of a V-twin rumble.

I opted for the Electra Glide basically because it was the least expensive touring bike going - I would have preferred the Road King, but the Electra Glide Standard was significantly cheaper. I wanted a touring bike for several reasons. First off, it's built to be comfortable for long rides. I enjoy taking off for an afternoon and getting lost (and then found). Secondly, I wanted something big and heavy that I wouldn't be tempted to push. I'd owned a V45 Magna before, and found myself starting to push the little 750cc engine further that I had any business pushing it. And, lastly, I wanted something solid to plunk my son on for his first ride...

Well, we've gone out on a few rides over the summer. He's still only good for about a half-hour, 45 minutes tops, but we've even ventured on the highway for short blasts. I can't tell who enjoys it more: Me, because I get to share on of my passions with my son; my son, who gets to ride on Daddy's Harley for uninterrupted father-son time; or my wife, who gets one-on-one mommy-daughter time without the kids jockeying for her attention.

I'm hoping we can segué from him riding on the back to him riding his own. Looking forward to getting him his own Sportster when he's old enough; of course, Dad will just have to get it a few years ahead to break it in and customize it to his liking, right? :)

Anyways, here's the day's progression:

My son, hamming it up as Mr. Cool on Daddy's Harley:

Here we are, getting ready for the ride home (he's saying, "Can we leave yet, Dad?"):

And here we are underway:

I love this. When we pulled into the driveway, he leaned forward, bonked helmets with me, and uttered the title line. "One more time, Daddy. Please?!"

It was supposed to be a quick trip around the neighborhood. We were gone for another 45 minutes. What can I say? We took the long way (back) home...

That is all.


Bruce said...

Great picture.

angus lincoln said...

Great pictures Jay, there's not much compareable to sharing like passions with your kids. Document all you can on film, you will be glad you did a few years from now.

breda said...


Jay G said...

Thanks bruce.

I'll be certain to keep him FAR away from the Casa del No Looking Backwards in about, oh, 7 years...

I mean, I've seen that Remington...



That's one of the motivators behind this blog. It's a living record of my life at this time, and one I can point to in a few years and embarass my kids to new heights... ;)

Thanks Breda!

I know, and the boy ain't bad either... ;)