Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Steve over at The Firearms Blog has a question for us:

TFB Poll: Have you ever spent more on the optics than on the gun?

And I started thinking about it (always a dangerous proposition). I've got four guns with some sort of optics on them:

  1. Remington Nylon 66 (Cheap Tasco 4X scope)
  2. Remington model 511 (BSA 3-9X variable)
  3. VEPR (Russian PSP scope)
  4. S&W Model 422 (BSA red dot sight)

The model 422 and the VEPR came with their respective optics, so they don't count. Both Remingtons were given to me, so any price > $0 means yes. The scope on the 511 was also given to me, so that's a wash (unless you count the $5 I paid for shipping); the Tasco that's on the 66 was all of $10.

So, yes, I have spent more on optics than on the guns they're on. But me being the cheap bastard that I am, that's not surprising...

Oh, wait... I just thought of a fifth possibility. I have a spare BSA Weaver-mount red dot sight that I've put on my Winchester 1300. In that instance, I paid less for the optics than the gun...

Someday I hope to have a gun worthy of putting expensive optics on and shooting skills to make spending the money worthwhile. For the time being, I'll remain a cheap bastard...

That is all.

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