Thursday, September 4, 2008

What Is This, 1950???

Palin's teen daughter is pregnant

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, dealt with two startling disclosures Monday. She announced that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant and plans to keep the baby. And Palin has hired a lawyer as Alaska investigates the firing of her public safety commissioner.

Palin hired a lawyer three weeks ago to act on her behalf as state legislators investigate whether she may have abused her power in firing the state public safety commisioner for refusing to fire her ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper, CNN confirmed.

(Wow. Just in the opening paragraph they manage to take not one, but two swipes at Palin.)

Emphasis mine. What is this, 1950? Are we supposed to believe that the media fucking cares about the marital status of pregnant teens now? Funny, when Britney Spears' little sister got knocked up, I don't recall seeing "unmarried" in the fucking description.

Oh, and love the objectivity over the firing of the brother-in-law. Note the absense of words like "stalker" and "abusing his authority as a police officer".

Biased motherfuckers. Here's hoping you choke on the copy.

That is all.

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