Thursday, October 16, 2008

All I'm Gonna Say... that tomorrow cannot come soon enough...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Bad day?

I still have the phone.

(And egg nog.)

(But not chocolate egg nog. 'Cuz that would be gross.)

Jay G said...

Nah, nah. Just a couple of tough weeks work-wise. Busy as hell, which I guess in this tough economy is a good thing...

Thanks tho'...

breda said...

egg nog. yick.

Unknown said...

It's tomorrow...

Hope things get better for you bro!

Anonymous said...

Mental note: don't serve egg nog to Breda.

Mental note 2: don't serve chocolate egg nog to anyone, including one's self.

Jay G said...

It's Friday.

20 minutes until 5 o'clock.

What could possibly go wrong?

{cue fallout siren}