Friday, October 10, 2008

Day Off! Party Time! Excellent!

I got the memo from Accounting a short time ago that I needed to burn some vacation time before the end of the year, so I took today off to make an extra-long weekend (we're closed Monday for Columbus Day).

It's nice. I got to sleep in - since I could workout after the kids left for school, I got to sleep until 6:45 AM today. Woke up, got the kids off to school, worked out. Came home, loaded up for the range, and jumped in the shower.

It's nice to be able to do all that without interjections of "he's touching me!" or "she's in my room!".

Three guesses what I'll be doing shortly:

If you guessed "clinging bitterly to my guns", give yourself a gold star...

Be back soon. But not too soon. I have evil black silhouettes to ventilate and dastardly orange clays to destroy.

Be vewy vewy quiet... I'm huntin' pigeons...

That is all.


breda said...

the contrast between that flowery, girly couch and all those black, scary guns is interesting.

Anonymous said...

Careful there, black silhouettes might be taken as racist code words by the Usual Suspects.

Home on the Range said...

A man that can accessorize. I like that.

Jay G said...


Well, I got the couch from my grandmother and most of my gun collection from my grandfather (her husband), so it's not as far-fetched as it sounds...


That's why I also use the orange Shoot-n-see targets. That way I can be biased against Ooompah Loompahs...


Hey, a man's got to have his priorities, right? The Glock gets the silhouette, the Colt gets the official NRA target, and the SW99 gets a Shoot-n-see...

Now, whether I can hit anything, OTOH... (hoping to have a range report up soon!)