Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday!

211 years ago, a legend was launched.

1797: Oct. 21 - Although her construction is almost halted by a 1796 peace treaty with Algiers, USS CONSTITUTION is launched-christened by visiting Capt. James Sever using a bottle of Madeira. It is actually the third attempt to launch her; the first was a month earlier, when the ship sticks after moving only 27 feet. Two days later she moves another 31 feet before sticking once again. For the third attempt, workers make the launching ways steeper, which finally enables a successful event. The public, which includes several French aristocrats, is warned beforehand that the launch of such a large ship might cause a dangerously large wave, but none actually materializes during the
Happy 211st, Old Ironsides.

That is all.


dr mac said...

I have two of her cannons on my mantal piece. One is 6 years old and one is 45 years old. Guess which one was once a working cannon utlizing lighting match heads to fend off enemy ships ?

Anonymous said...

Dredging up an ancient trivia question:

Navy ships have registration numbers (etc, USS Reagan is CVN-76; USS Yorktown is CG-48, etc). What was the Constitution's number?

(No internet-fu, please.)

Larry said...

That's a good question, what is the Constitution's hull number? I think she's classed as a 44 gun frigate, but I don't know what her hull number would be.
She's also the oldest commissioned warship still afloat.

Jay G said...

dr mac,

If you've got a cannon from Old Ironsides on your mantel, that's one helluva mantel there... :)


Uh, #1?