Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Musical Interlude...

I love this song.

This is how I feel about the town I live in.

Even though it's in Massa-fucking-chusetts.

This is my town.

That is all.


Borepatch said...

Great song. The Mrs. and I sometimes (when we're traveling) play the "Song pairing" game - what other song would go well with the one that's playing.

For this one, I nominate Mellincamp's Small Town.

Epijunky said...

Where I was born where I was raised, where I keep all my yesterdays...

I still hate the city. But I love the song.

Jay G said...


"Small Town" would be a good companion, yes. As would "Little Pink Houses" if we're sticking with Mellencamp...

"Subdivisions" by Rush would be the perfect counter to this, natch...


My town *almost* voted for McCain - the difference was literally under one percent.

In Massa-fucking-chusetts.

I like my town.
