Thursday, November 20, 2008

Northeast Blogger Winter Gathering Update

Okay guys and gals, it's time to shit or get off the pot here... We need to nail down a date and a location for this meeting if we want it to happen before the end of the year.


In the last post, I offered up a bunch of locations to choose from. It appears that the strongest contenders were:

Murphy's Taproom in Manchester, NH


Martha's Exchange in Nashua, NH

Murphy's is run by a Free Stater and is not averse to open-carry for non-drinking patrons; Martha's is an actual brewery with plenty of house drafts to choose from.

Both are centrally located in NH; Murphy's is probably the more accessible location for the MAholes given it's proximity to I93. It's also less than a mile from several hotels should people chose to stay over (although to be fair there's a Day's Inn only a mile and a half from Martha's).

I've contacted both locations and both have private function facilities available, although for a fee (I wasn't able to speak with a functions manager at press time so I don't have an actual figure, but I can't imagine it would be more than a couple hundred bucks if that; obviously we'll need that information before making a final decision).

Let's form a consensus on which establishment to choose, and then onto:


Given that we've got people traveling up to 2-3 hours for this gathering, it makes the most sense to have it on a Saturday evening. I'm thinking starting maybe 5:00 PM and going until they kick us out; obviously folks would be more than welcome to arrive sooner if they so chose.

So which Saturday?

I'm somewhat partial to the Saturday after Christmas, 12/27/08. This gets us past the holiday and attendant Christmas/Holiday/Office parties that serve as organization landmines for events this time of year. It also allows over a month for folks to make the necessary arrangements and such so that we can have maximum attendance at the gathering.

Working up to that, though:

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, 11/29/08: Pros are that most folks have that weekend off; cons are that it's only a week and a half away.

Saturday, 12/6/08: Bad for me, but I'll endure the wrath of Mrs. G. for canceling "date night" if that's the only night that would work for everyone else.

12/13/08 is right out for Mrs. G.'s company Xmas party.

12/20/08 is currently open but awfully close to the holiday.

Realistically, once we agree on a date, the location is easy. Hell, a couple of us could go in on a suite at the Holiday Inn in Manchester and we all show up with our favorite brewskis...

So, what say you on the date?


the saj (dependent on location)
Paul (dependent on time)
weer'd beard
angus lincoln
andrew (dependent on time)

Have expressed interest, but not explicitly said "IN":


As a side note, the sooner we can nail down the date and location the better we'll be. There's a slim chance that we might be joined by a certain well-known blogger from far away up visiting friends in the area (who will remain nameless until I can confirm or if he wants to out himself in comments); suffice to say I'd be honored to have him join us.

Let's get the specifics down, and I'll make concrete arrangements as needed.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Murphy's, 12/27 gets my vote. That'll at least give me the best chance to attend though I'll still need to confirm with the better half.

scotaku said...

Timing is tough... 12/6 is best for me, but I might be able to work 12/27. And I'd have to pull the lever for Murphy's.

Unknown said...

It all works for me, really.

doubletrouble said...

I'm liking 12/27 @ Martha's, as it's after the Holiday Horrors.

Jay G said...

I don't want to jump the gun, but it's starting to look like we have a consensus here...

Anonymous said...

Yours is a singularly unique talent -- NONE of those dates work for me, but I could probaby convince MyBetterHalf of 12/27. As for the location, I'd consider Murphy's, but Martha's is SLAM-DUNK for me.

- Brad

Anonymous said...

11/29 works the best for me since I will be in CT on 12/27. Oh well.

angus lincoln said...

Damn, 12/27 sounds like the best bet for everyone, but that is vacation week in the Mt. Washinton Valley; busiest week of the winter for me workwise unfortunately, so I'm out if that's the date. However, if any of the other dates work, I'm in.

MedicMatthew said...

12/20 & 12/27 both work for me. As for the location I'm pretty flexible as I've got a bit of a hike no matter where we meet.

Borepatch said...

Scheduling is a bitch in December. Unfortunately, I'll ge gone for BOTH Thanksgiving AND Christmas, so the Saturdays after both are bad for me.


Anonymous said...

I'm not picky, it all works for me. Manch is a shorter ride for me - but I can deal either way.

Teresa said...

I know I disappeared recently down the "work rabbit hole". (I was seriously beginning to wonder if I'd ever be able to get round to my blog reading again! sheesh... however I do like to have money for things like food and such)

I may be able to make a 12/27 get together if that's the day... my daughter is leaving on the 26th to go back home, so there wouldn't be anything else going on. :-) I'd have to ask my husband if he wants to come along for the fun.

Jay G said...

So far, we have Liberty, Scotaku, Marko, doubletrouble, brad, medicmatthew, wally, and Teresa (!!!) for the 27th at Murphy's, with nate, angus, and Ted unable to make the 27th.

That's 9 yeas for Murphy's on the 27th.

When we get an even dozen I'll call and reserve the room.


doubletrouble said...

"I don't want to jump the gun..."

::Jay G, gun jumping::

Err.. I voted Martha, not Murphy, but whatever- one's just furrer than tother, is all.

Anonymous said...

Bill & I are in, any day but the 29th, as we'll be massacree-in pumpkins & other produce on 11/29.

Anonymous said...

If the out of state guest is AD, I'm going to crash and get my copy of The Book signed !!

Don't worry, I'm not a stalker, and I'm not armed, though with this crowd that probably won't be an issue.

TOTWTYTR said...

The 27th works for me, but my vote (such as it is) is for Martha's.

For Maureen, I'll be hanging with AD all this coming week. If you want, I'll steal an item of clothing he wore so you can touch it! :)