Monday, November 3, 2008

There Must Be Some Mix-Up...

I think TOTWTYTR has me confused with someone else. Like, someone else with a shred of actual talent. Either that or one of his lovely Smiths recoiled too hard and bounced off his noggin, because he's bestowed a "Superior Scribbler" award on me (origins of the award can be found here):

I kid, I kid. In all seriousness, I'm honored; doubly so considering both who gave me this award and who gave it to him - the one, the only Ambulance Driver, a man whose writing I so thoroughly enjoyed that I bought his book (gratuitous plug alert) - which, BTW, is destined to become a classic and is rapidly flying off bookstore shelves, so get your order in today (hey, I am in sales...).

This is an award I can grok, as "scribbling" is a fairly accurate description of what I do here at MArooned. I've tried to post thoughtful, descriptive posts, and in some cases hit my mark, but most often there's bits of road rage, random politcal rants, car nut stuff, and of course, the gun pr0n. It's basically a clearinghouse for whatever flits through my mind at any given moment. Which, I suppose, fits "scribbling" to a tee.

The real bitch is gettting the crayon off the computer screen... {cue rimshot}.


Now I've got to choose five bloggers from my blogroll to give this award to. As if that wasn't hard enough, I'm coming to this late in the game, and as such, many of the folks I'd like to give the award to have already received it. So I'll have to try harder...

Let's see...

Liberty of Fighting For Liberty. He and I are cut from the same cloth; he's kinda like the Jay G. of the Frozen North. Plus he has hair. He's got a sick, warped sense of humor and very little in the way of filtration apparatus set up to shelter us from it. And that's a feature, not a bug.

The Geek of TheGeekWithA45. Perhaps this might spur him to post more (hint), but I've long enjoyed reading TheGeek any time he posts (plus for a long time his blog was the first place to turn for news of Bill Whittle sightings....)

Firehand over at Irons in the Fire. Firehand, like og and doubletrouble, is one of those guys that just make me green with envy. He's mechanically inclined (as I think I've mentioned, I'm more along the lines of what could charitably be called "mechanically declined"), lives in Free America, and can express himself with a clarity and eloquence uniquely his own.

Epijunky at Pink Warm And Dry. Through this weird little "Follow Blog" widget (which I am still desperately trying to figure out, lumbering dinosaur that I am), I came across Epi's blog. She's sharp as a whip, loves her kids more than life itself, and quite prolific, mostly stream-of-consciousness akin to my own brand of "toss it against the wall and see what sticks".

Gotta give the anchor slot to my friend tweaker over at Where Sometimes Things Go Boom. He may not post as often as we'd all like (that's a hint, brother), but he brings a razor-sharp wit to the dance and a Texan sense of goodness. Plus he's a long-haired hippie gun-carryin' Texan. Gotta love us our paradoxes...

Now here's the rules:

  • Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
  • Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
  • Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
  • Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
  • Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

Thanks to TOTWTYTR for the honor, and thanks to everyone who reads my insane rantings poo-flinging verbal diarrhea random potshots at life.

That is all.


Christine G. said...


i feel slighted.

Epijunky said...

Me? Seriously?

Jay are you running a fever???

Thanks, it means quite a bit to me. It really does.

Epijunky said...

By the way...

You are one of my favorite writers. You deserve this.

And those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work wonders at getting crayon off the computer monitor :)

Ambulance Driver said...

Been thinking of a new award, named just after you, Jay.

How does the "Retarded Chimp Banging On An IBM Selectric Award" sound to you?
