Monday, December 22, 2008

Random Riffs

In no particular order...

  • Ladies, if your SO has spent the better part of the weekend clearing literally FEET of snow from the driveway, walkways, etc.; up to and including clearing the driveway in sweats so you can get out and run errands rather than being housebound, a simple "thank you" goes an awfully long way...
  • In the snow-clearing vein, my left shoulder is never going to stop hurting if we keep getting snow by the foot...
  • It ought to be legal to shoot someone driving down the road with their entire car covered in snow except for a 6" hole in the windshield in front of the driver's side. Maybe not to kill, but you should be able to at least wing 'em. Stupidity should hurt.
  • If you help your kids build an eight-foot tall snowman, including a middle section that's 3.5' around and weighs more than an engine block, and THEN shovel snow for an hour and a half, don't wake up the next morning and wonder why your back hurts.
  • Much like every other year on record, I still have a bit of Christmas shopping to do with only 3 days left. CRAP...
  • I'm looking forward to Christmas even more so this year - it's one of the few times out of the year that I completely and utterly stop counting calories. I'll pay for it the next day, but Mom G.'s Christmas meal is worth it...
That is all.


Anonymous said...

Regarding item 3: This Boston Glob article says it's illegal to drive in Mass with snow-covered windows. Scroll down to the bottom.

Anonymous said...

someone driving down the road with their entire car covered in snow except for a 6" hole in the windshield in front of the driver's side= Polish Tank Driver

SpeakerTweaker said...

Dude, getting old is teh suck.

I started out the day with my shoulder aching (old injury), and it cleared up just in time for one of my knees to start howling (the more injured of the two).

I'll be genuinely surprised if my back doesn't start hurting before bedtime;)


Jay G said...


It is a ticketable offense, yes.

It's just real far down the list of things that'll get you pulled over.

I think a shot across the bow should be in order...





Just wait until you're MY age...

You won't be able to get out of bed without scarfing down 2-3 Advil.

Like me...

RW said...

I stopped counting calories in November. Have eaten absolute crap plus a few beers daily ever since.

Have to admit that I'm looking forward to January & my new diet/routine. Starting to feel terrible on a continual basis. I'd lie if I said I wasn't going to miss the beer, though.....