Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Weeks...

Christmas is only two weeks from today.

Remember being a kid when it was Christmas time? About this time of year, you'd practically be hovering off the ground you'd be so excited. If you still believed in Santa Claus, you'd scan the skies, wistfully thinking of two weeks hence when his goodie-laden sleigh would make it's magical flight. If you were too old to believe in Jolly Saint Nick, there was still plenty to be excited about. You were had two weeks off from school, plenty of loot to be had, and more candy than anything short of Halloween. It was still a time of magic and mirth, even if you were on the outside edge of childhood innocence and wonder.

But now... What happened when you read the first sentence? Oh shit, only two weeks until Christmas! Still have to finish the shopping, wrap the presents, write the Christmas letter, take the Christmas picture (side note: We're a little behind this year, but they will go out!), get the kids' letters to Santa in the mail, fight the lines at the mall, sit in traffic forever at the local strip mall, rush, rush, rush. Sleep deprivation and irritability are the norm this time of year as we try to cram a whole year's worth of caring and giving into the span of one day.

The only real saving grace, naturally, is spiked egg nog...

Merry Christmas, everyone. Take a moment to reflect on what this season really is about; take a moment to share in the joy of the holiday with a child - there's nothing that brings the Christmas magic more clearly into focus than to ask a young person about Santa Claus...

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother your not kidding. Sleep deprivation is normal for me year round but especially this time of year. As far as eggnog goes... I wouldn't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole! For our Christmas eve open house we'll be serving Manhattans!