Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Check It Out!

Chris from Opposing Views sent me an e-mail letting me know that they now have a new information center dedicated to gun issues called the Gun Center. They've also got a "Recommended Links" section (which I hope will find MArooned included soon! hint hint, shameless link whore that I am...)

Go check it out - it looks promising!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Not to long after the V-Tech Atrocity, I found it was iteresting at first, but you can only watch the antis getting kicked around for only so long before it gets old.....

Anonymous said...

I was fairly interested in this site, until I read the phrasing of their very first gun-debate question - "Do guns make you safer?"

Fallacious reasoning.

If I get bored one day, I might start paying attention to it, but jimbob is exactly right - dealing with hoplophobes gets remarkably old, remarkably fast.