Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Good Day, Mr. President

It's here. Barack Hussein Obama's inauguration day. The day we've feared ever since that fateful night in November when he beat John McCain like a rented mule. The day he puts his hand on the Koran Bible and takes the oath of office*. George Bush is gone, relegated to "former President" status just like Bill Clinton. It's time for the Kos Kids, DU denizens, and all the other Bush haters to quietly fade away, and the black helicopter/tinfoil hat brigade who thought Bill Clinton was going to declare martial law in the wake of Y2K to return to their keyboards.

Well, I say, on this day, Welcome, Mr. President. I will give you exactly as much leeway as the MSM did for George W. Bush and not a farthing more. I'm skeptical of your ability to lead us, as you've never held any position longer than a few scant months before moving on, and as such are completely and utterly untested. You've thrown countless supporters, advisers, and long-time friends and allies under the bus the second it becomes politically expedient, indicating you don't care for silly things like loyalty, friendship, or consistency.

One thing I will not do is claim that you are not my President. I didn't vote for you, that's for certain; in fact, I actively worked to prevent you from reaching this goal. However, yours was the victorious campaign, and as much as it pains me to admit, you are our next President. I will not, as many of President Bush's detractors have over the past eight years, root for America's enemies to triumph nor for America's economy to falter so that you can be blamed for it.

No, sir, it is up to you to succeed or fail on your own. While the press has elevated you to lofty heights as the great healer of our country's very soul, eventually you're going to need to actually lead at some point (not rule, notice...). You will need to actually stake down an honest-to-goodness position on things (other than "What Bush did was wrong, m'kay?").

And we'll be watching. The whole world will be watching. How you handle this, your turn in the limelight as the leader of the free world, will be entirely up to you and the people you have chosen to advise you. Given those choices, I'm not holding much hope.

Here's hoping I'm wrong, Mr. President. For America's sake.

That is all.

*I kid, I kid...


agg79 said...

Well said! You have expressed the exact sentiments of many. Time to hunker down, armor up and open up the scotch.

Bob said...

President foady-fo.


breda said...

wow - great post. Bravo.

Anonymous said...


Oh boy . . . where do I start. How about with a passage from The Oath of Office - "preserve, protect, and defend The Constitution of The United States"

I content BHO has already shown complete contempt for the principles on which our nation was founded and should be run, moreso than any man elected to the highest executive public office in the land.

BHO has shown time & time again he is no friend of the constitution. He has described the document as "a set of negative liberties". Hogwash I say. Hogwash. And he promulgated this filth as a professor of constitutional law.

BHO claims to be a supporter of the bill of rights, yet at a campaign press conference, he effectively tells a reporter to not waste the question and instead provides the reporter with a question he (BHO) wants to answer. To me, that is is not freedom of speech. That is no protection of unpopular speech. That is no protection of loyal dissent. It is utter disdain for the first amendment.

After the Heller case had been argued in March 2008, the House & Senate created an Amicus brief in support of Dick Heller's case. BHO not only didn't sign the brief, I believe he signed the opposition brief.

The seven page job application for all of BHO's cabinet posts mandates listing lengthy & detailed background on all guns owned, type, chambering, how many etc., etc., etc.

BHO has time & time again voted against concealed carry, has voted to ban all handguns, pistols & revolvers, has voted to rape the citizenry of virtually all 2A rights.

I could go on and on and on. Jay, unlike you, BHO is not MY president. He is the POTUS, but his is not MY POTUS. He will likely NEVER be MY president. Rather I assert he is a DOMESTIC ENEMY OF THE CONSTITUTION. God help our great nation, because the likes of BHO & his ilk certainly will not.

RW said...

We have a template for how NOT to act: the last 8 years.

I refuse to be - or resemble - one of the adolescent punks that have so dominated our culture, of late. And by punks, I mean c0ck$uc*er-scumbag-m0th@rf&c*@rs.

Glad to see they're now on board & that America suddenly won't suck as much (get ready for more "Air force one" type movies....Hollywood will now feel America is okay to portray as the good guy, again) and Demi & Ashton are leading the way for all sorts of volunteerism. Of course, nothing stopped them from doing it before Obama won....

Gee, you'd almost think it was all narcicism wrapped up in a need for validation?

Anyway, someone wake me when the MSM stops resembling the front row of the Ed Sullivan show when the Beatles first appeared. Good lord....


Good luck, Mr. Prez. Hopefully, you'll do more like the latter years of Clinton & move to the center instead of actually following through on your ridiculous campaign promises. Oh, and despite how you've been portrayed, you're not Black Jesus. Don't let your fawning admirers in the press overinflate your ego.

BobG said...

"You've thrown countless supporters, advisers, and long-time friends and allies under the bus the second it becomes politically expedient, indicating you don't care for silly things like loyalty, friendship, or consistency."

Well of course; he's a liberal Democrat.

Anonymous said...

I keep telling myself:

We made it through Carter, got Reagan.
We made it through Carter, got Reagan.
We made it through Carter, got Reagan.

It's not much, but it helps. A little.

Reminder: RTFN is the time for all of us to make sure the non-moronic Senators still in office know that we are depending on them to preserve, well, almost everything.

Anonymous said...

We made it through Bush...and got Obama.

We will see how that turns out.

Blind nationalism made me sick enough during the Bush years. I don't see that changing just because we have a new President.

If any more Air Force One movies are made with Harrison Ford hanging out of the door of a flying jet as terrorists try to pry him loose I think I'll pass.

I'll bet you in four years we will all still own guns and be paying our own health insurance premiums.

This shit happens every 4 years. It ain't a big deal.

RW said...

I'll bet you in four years we will all still own guns and be paying our own health insurance premiums.

If your bar for success is set at that level, Obama will indeed fill Chris Matthews' dreams & end up on Rushmore. I, for one, recall the last 12 months & what we were told would happen if we were to elect this fine chap: crossing the hurdle of not socializing health care or confiscating guns were not the money-shots in the soaring rhetoric.

He's officially the prez & the inauguration is over: I'll treat him just as I did the rest.