Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kiss My WHAT?

Dems want apology from Lieberman
WASHINGTON -- A day after Barack Obama was sworn in as the nation's 44th President, the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee called on Sen. Joe Lieberman to apologize to him for having backed his Republican opponent in the 2008 campaign.

Last month, the Democrats declined to censure Lieberman for having supported Republican John McCain. Rather than ask him to remove himself as a registered Democratic voter, they decided instead to send a letter expressing their anger.

Obama promised to "reach across the aisle." What he failed to mention was that it wouldn't be with the hand of friendship or even reconciliation, but with the iron fist of wrath... Or is this Obama's America, where slavish adherence to political persuasion trumps one's judgement and longtime friendships? Is this the look of things to come - back your party, regardless? Doesn't exactly bode well for "changing the tone", does it?

Shorter post: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Hopenchange my hairy Italian ass...

That is all.


Borepatch said...

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

I gotta say, I don't ever remember the Republicans doing anything like this. Who was that senator who changed parties in 2002, giving the Dems control of the Senate? This ever happen to him?

And remember how the moonbats threw Lieberman out of their party?

They sure seem to be feelin' their oats.

Jay G said...

Jumpin' Jim Jeffords, I believe, is the name of the Senator you're looking for.

And while I do recall folks on the right side of the aisle saying that Jeffords should return money he got from the GOP for his campaign, I do not recall anyone asking him for an apology...

Feeling their oats is a very kind way to put it.

"Throwing gasoline on the burning fire of discontent" is more how I'd put it.

These people scare me. They are drunk with power, and there's nothing whatsoever to keep them in check. The media's wholly along for the ride, and the hammer's about to come down.

Fasten your seatbelts, folks; we're in for a bumpy ride...

RW said...

An easy solution: instead of seeing someone that supported McCain, pretend that Lieberman is an Islamic terrorist leader bent on the destruction of America & the abolition of the state of Israel. They LOVE to say that we need to find common ground with those guys instead of giving them the short shrift, after all*, so it would make it easier for them to sit down at the table & negotiate. Hey, that's what the new President said he'd do with Iran's leader, why not Lieberman?

*Which, of course, says a lot about certain priority lists, but I digress....

JD said...

Well, the Dem party is as evil as the Republicans, we knew that. I don't think we can blame Obama for this one though as I don't think he is the one calling for the actions against Lieberman. I hate what O stands for but lets not act like the left and blame him for stuff we can't prove he is attached to.

Tell me you didn't really expect the Dems to play nice after the shift in power. Obama may reach across the isle to look good (all a game for the cameras) but the main party of the Dems has already shown they want to crush any opposition and now they will try to.

Jay G said...


Oh, I know it's not Obama, but the irony's still palpable.

Besides, shouldn't the Lightbringer be able to heal all wounds with a simple wave of his mystical hand?

Mike W. said...

Excuse me, but Lieberman should tell them to go fuck themselves. That's the "apology" they deserve.

Rustmeister said...

Mike's right.

After what they did to him last time he was up for re-election, he should tell them to go piss up a rope.

RW said...

I used to have the old Newsweek magazine edition right after Jeffords bolted the GOP. The front cover of the mag was a photo of him standing w/his arms crossed & chin held high with the bold words "Mr. Jeffords Blows Up Washington" plastered in huge font along with the subhead -- "A Quiet Yankee Sends a Loud Message to the Republican Right"

Anyone else see any mag covers of Lieberman with the note "the former veep candidate from just a few years ago is now considered too conservative for the Democratic party?" along with glowing articles that resemble Chris Matthews' tingly leg when describing Obama?

Nope, me either.

JD said...

Jay - you do have that right. If Obama is supposed to heal the country he should be speaking up against this kind of attack. my guess is he will play good cop and let the party play bad cop for the next 4 years. . . .

Weer'd Beard said...

Aren't these the same people who were quick to shun Lieberman from the Democrat party upon his support for McCain because his current title is I-CN, not D. 'lest it appear McCain might have Bi-Partisan appeal...or they reveal Mac as the RINO that he is rather than the ultra-right-wing Bush-Clone they wanted people to see him as.

Just makes them look like Dumb Hypocrites...which I guess is par.

Unknown said...

Lieberman is one of the very few Senators to cross aisles. I don't always agree with him, but I give him props for voting how he believes (most of the time). And that's why I a registered Republican voted for him on several occasions when I lived in Connecticut.

Frankly, the Democrat Party in Connecticut stabbed Lieberman in the back and he handed them their butts on a silver platter. He won as an independent.

So I concur, he should tell them to go kiss hi arse.

TOTWTYTR said...

They must feel assured that he won't decide to caucus with the Republicans. That would certainly screw them up, although it unfortunately wouldn't put the Republicans back into the majority.