Thursday, January 29, 2009

What I Need...

You know what I could really use in the morning? A life-size animatronic version of myself who states the following at random intervals:
"Eat your breakfast!"

"Stop fighting!"

"Leave her/him alone!"

"Hurry up or we'll miss the bus!"

"Don't forget your backpack!"

Alternately, I could appear in a PIP box on the TV and randomly shout the above. That would work for The Boy...

That is all.


Unknown said...

For some reason, I feel as if I just received a forboding image of my future...

Sigboy said...

When you figure out how to do it, send me one. But mine has to say the evening things.
"Stop fighting"
"Eat your dinner"
"Get in the shower"
"No, you can't watch reality TV"

Ambulance Driver said...

The hot toy for Christmas 2009:

The Tickle Me Jay!

Press his buttons, and he alternates between parental admonitions and foul-mouthed road rage rants!

Purchase him with the optional IBM Selectric and watch him bang the keys like a retarded chimp!

Don't keep him in the toy box next to your Teletubbies, kids.

I'm just sayin'.

Jay G said...

Heh. I could think of a few mommies who could tickle me...