Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Gun Pr0n #98

I had a hard time deciding which gun should garner the coveted Friday Gun Pr0n post. Looking through my pistol safe (I really need to get a third!), I dug all the way to the bottom and found this little gem:


This is a Ceskoslovenska Zborjovka Vzor 52, more commonly known as a CZ-52. It's a single-action only semi-automatic pistol with a capacity of 8+1 rounds of the very manly (and fireball producing) 7.62X25mm and will also fire the more sedate 7.62 Tokarev.

This pistol has the distinction of being the first firearm I've obtained with my Curio & Relics license (Class 3 FFL). It was chosen on the basis of fulfilling three criteria:

1. It was cheap ($120 plus shipping).
2. It was an eeeevil semi-automatic pistol that fires a round capable of defeating some body armor (good for some serious PSH from the ruling elite who hate such things).
3. It was not on the Approved Firearms Roster {spit} and was delivered straight to my door anyways.


That is all.


Anonymous said...

Oops, no picture, but the 7.62 x 25 cartridge seems like an interesting one. May have to pick up one of the CZ pistols myself.

Jay G said...

I just saw it. It should be fixed now.

Weer'd Beard said...

Also it has THE most exuberant ejection of spent brass of any gun I've ever seen.

Fucking thing launches those shells 20 feet behind and to the left.

Whenever I shoot on a range with people to my right I either warn them, or do a test-shot just to make sure nobody will loose an eye or a limb from my surpluss commie brass!

It was my 2nd C&R, Jay!

Weer'd Beard said...

Oh and one other thing. I got mine for all your reasons, but also because
-The cartridge is both cheap and very strange (only .30 calibur, and a LONG bottle-neck cartridge)

-There are very few handguns that use a roller-lock action, and I wanted to see what that was all about.

I wish somebody would make a more modern roller-locked gun, it's a neat action, very strong, and keeps the bore-axis low in the hand.

Anonymous said...


I'm a tad surprised today's pic wasn't a post about the brainchild of The Mauser Brothers . . . the pattern 1898 7.92mm mauser rifle. No matter . . . you're the author, you select the subject.

I bet the '52 is a fun little package to shoot, especially with "hot" ammo. Hint, hint.

- Brad

Jay G said...

Sadly, I do not (yet) own a K-98.

Next week's offering will be numerologically correct, have no fear of that...

Anonymous said...

I know what Jay's gonna post . .
I know what Jay's gonna post . .
Neener, neener, neener . . .
{/childish chant}

As for the '98, the Turk's not a bad substitute. When the time does come, do NOT buy from Mitchell's Mausers. I've heard they do *bad things* which ruin the historical value of real German mausers. Now if you could get your hands on a Nato-chambered Israeli Mauser, I'd be impressed.

- Brad

Anonymous said...

We've got his and hers CZ52s. Hers is damn near perfect with the original grey park and aftermarket wooden grips. Mine is an arsenal rebuild that's been blued, like it looks like yours is in the pics.

Just about every time they come with me to the indoor range I have a RO over by the second mag. looking to see what the hell I'm shooting. The 7.62x25 round is so hard on their backstop I kinda feel guilty about shooting it there, but I've given them a round to check out and the manager says it's ok.

Bunnyman said...

You have front-door delivery of C&R guns? Lucky sod. In California, they all need to go through an FFL.

The ' first handgun. I really wish I stocked up on mags when J&G had 'em in stock, because the Triple K ones are crap. And I've broken two firing pins dry-firing. Also, shoot surplus, because you're not likely to recover that brass unless you're shooting in a phone booth.

Otherwise, a worthy arm. +1 on Wee'rd Beard's sentiments...I'd love to see a more ergonomic roller-locked gun - wondernine-flavored, perhaps...