Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just When The Day Couldn't POSSIBLY Get Worse...

...I find out that the Neanderpundit is no more.

Fuck me.

Looks like I'm gonna have to ramp up the crapblogging to fill the (very large) hole in our collective blog experience...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Ok, now that just bites.

Home on the Range said...

Og is just the coolest guy in the world. I consider myself lucky to have shared a pint or two with him and hope he strolls through my campsite a time or two with my other friends.

Og - here's a toast to you. Your blog may be gone, but your spark is just an ember in an ongoing flame.

Carteach said...

Og is a heck of a guy, and was a daily read. Even more fun in person than on the blog.

Hope he reconsiders some day.