Friday, February 20, 2009

Let Me Get This Straight...

Just so we can get things squared away, let's see if we can figure this out...

This is racist:

But this is not:
Or this:
or this:

Sorry, guys. You just spent the last eight years comparing the President of the United States of America to various primates. You have no fucking right to get all butt-hurt because the tables are turned. Crying "racism" because someone's poking fun at "your guy" diminishes the charge of racism itself - there's nothing racist about that cartoon except what you project in your condemnations.

Turning to "ZOMG! TEH EVIL RACISTS" every time someone criticizes The Annointed One does three things:

1. It shows you can't or won't refute the actual substance of the issue;
2. It cheapens the cries of racism in legitimate cases; and
3. It points out how Obama needs to bring down his detractors rather than address the issues.

You had your eight years of trashing the president. Don't be surprised when the shoe's on the other foot.

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Petard, Hoist, some assembly required.

Dissent is still patriotic!


MedicMatthew said...

Dude, it has nothing to do with the office and everything to do with skin color. Is there anyone out there who actually pays attention to history, particularly as it pertains to the Jim Crow period?

Though I must agree, everyone needs to calm the fuck down.

Jay G said...


I know the reference. It most certainly can be a slur.

But in this case it most emphatically is not. It's a riff on a current event. There are NO racial implications.

Just as there were not racial implications when Bush was likened to a monkey.

RW said...

"Is there anyone out there who actually pays attention to history"

Those who do realize that Nancy Pelosi was the main person behind the writing of the bill. Obama had nothing to do with it, other than signing his sig at the end. The speech last week where he was critiquing some of the stuff that the LEGISLATORS had included was a giveaway.

That said, we've apparently reached the point where anyone saying anything that could be construed as being directed at this administration is to be labeled a racist. Welcome to 2009, folks, where the Messiah has been innoculated from any and all criticism. Somehow, I don't think Tim Robbins will be giving any "chill wind" speeches about how people's first amendment rights to free speech is being tainted.

Frankly, I think people who are just now getting the message of what we're about to endure should just rid the word of all its cache and start throwing around the word "racist" like it's a vowel...integrate the word "racist" into your speech like a rapper does the word "n&&&er" so that in a few years time, it'll be rendered to joke status.

Talk radio should start things off, then let it move into the pop culture (let's face it, it'll never make it into the mainstream of television or hollywood) via music or comedy. Otherwise, anyone who is starting to win a substantive debate will have the race-card thrown their way, even (as we've seen too many times) where it's out of place.

I can think of no other way to rid ourselves of dishonest hacks overusing that angle.

Anonymous said...

It's not like The One wrote the bill, anyway: Pelosi did not write it either- that thing is not so much a bill as a Christmas Wishlist of Pork....... anything a leftist has dreamed of spending your money on in the the last 20 years and figured the rest of the country would not stand for....... all lumped together under the cover of "Stimulus"....... It IS stimulating, in the same way that a shotgun blast to the groin would be..... it won't kill the economy outright, but it certainly ain't taking us in the direction of recovery........

Anonymous said...

This is exactly the same content I was thinking about: Bush pictures. Apparently nobody thought that was insulting enough to be controversial. Think about 8 years of media bashing a person compared to one cartoon. The media did a great job turning "Bush-bashing" and "Obama-loving" into a fad. Yes, historically there are racial implications, but I don't think this specific cartoon was a case of racism. Suck it up, get real. Don't crap your pants over nothing.