Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stupidity Should Hurt...

Boston College in the crosshairs
Some Boston College professors and students are raising a holy ruckus over the Catholic school’s return to its religious roots by hanging crucifixes in all its classrooms, calling the move “offensive” and a break from the Jesuit tradition of tolerance.

“There is no choice if you don’t think it’s appropriate. You can’t turn it around,” said biology professor Dan Kirschner, faculty adviser for BC’s chapter of Hillel, a Jewish student group. “I think it is being insensitive to the people of other faith traditions here.”

Boston College is a Catholic college, you nitwit. You knew that when you took the damn job. Any students who attend BC knew that when they signed their name on the application. Claiming "intolerance" when YOU KNEW ABOUT IT ALL ALONG means you're either a shallow, self-absorbed asshole or a mouth-breathing moron. Which is it?

Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ here, people, what in hell is wrong with us? Have we gone so far down the rabbit hole that this is acceptable for even a second? This whiny puke gets his 15 minutes of fame and no one gets to hit him with a Taser? Stupid should hurt, I'm sorry. If you accept a position with a religious based organization, don't act all butt-hurt when they, you know, express their religion.

This is like me complaining that my Ram gets poor gas mileage.

GAH. No wonder we need an $800 billion dollar bailout. We're too friggin' stupid to live as a species...

That is all.


JD said...

I love that they comment that it is harmful to open intellectual discourse to have the symbols in a CHRISTIAN school.

Someone please update me - When did the left start to care about open intellectual discourse? Their idea of discourse is to agree with them or else. . . as I found out while blogging. . .

What a bunch of idiots. Lets start with it is a PRIVATE school, they can do what they want right there. . . .

Mike W. said...

“There is no choice if you don’t think it’s appropriate."

Yes you do. You transfer to a school that's not a CATHOLIC school if it makes you so damn uncomfortable.

This is like going to a strip club and complaining about lewdness and nudity.

Weer'd Beard said...

"his is like me complaining that my Ram gets poor gas mileage."

Dude for a huge pickup with 6 hojillion Horsepower and 17 hojillion foot-pounds of torque your Ram get's AWESOME milage, what's wrong with you??

TOTWTYTR said...

Great, just great. Here I was all set to start writing a post about this stupidity and you've done it for me. Now all I can do is agree with you.

Forget transparent aluminum, we need someone to invent the "agonizer".


Jay G said...

I am SUCH a geek I knew EXACTLY what you meant...

TOTWTYTR said...

I knew you would know, which is why I made the reference.

Lives, I'll order an extra one for you.

Anonymous said...

Y'know, as a Jew, I have a real problem with having a crucifix in my classrooms.

Of course, as a Jew, I'm smart enough to NOT GO TO A CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY!!!

If the students don't like it, too freakin' bad. Transfer. You knew it was a Catholic school when you matriculated.